Thursday, January 8, 2009

Project 365

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I would not be doing the "Week in the Life" project again this year.....and this is why: I'm changing things up a bit in the world of "Betsy's scrapbooking" and doing Project 365 ALL YEAR instead. Here is what this project is all about....last January I contemplated doing something where I would take a photo each day and scrapbook that one photo for each day of the year. Once I realized that this was a pretty unrealistic goal for me, I put it on the back burner and decided to think about it a while before putting that project in action. Fast forward a few months when I heard Becky Higgins was designing a kit for Creating Keepsakes. Becky is known in the scrapbooking industry for her clean design lines and her wonderful sketches. She has also designed many kits for Creating Keepsakes. The kit she designed for January of this year was called "Project 365" and my jaw dropped to the floor when I realized that this project was EXACTLY what I had in mind. It is an awesome kit to scrapbook a photo a day for an entire year. This year I'll be focusing on scrapbooking these daily photos with the help of this kit and then mixing in some of my regular-style scrapbook pages for spice.

Some of the photos are specific to the daily events, like these:
taking down Christmas decorations...
working in the todder room at church (that's Matt on the far right playing a drum)....

And some of the photos are just random happenings around our house, like these:
this is how Jack and Macy watch TV, and I think it is adorable....
just a random photo of Macy...

I plan on taking LOTS of photos of random everyday things around our house so we can remember how we lived every day. I also plan on taking photos of my kids' toys, our hair styles, clothes, how I organize closets/shelves, calendars, favorite stores, inside our refridgerator, decor around our home, landscaping (or lack thereof), favorite magazines, as well as LOTS of other details. This project has seriously inspired me to record our everyday lives!
My kit is scheduled to arrive tomorrow (yay!), so I will upload layouts every once in a while to show how I've been recording my daily photos.


Mrs. H said...

ahhhh so that's what the facebook comment about the UPS man was about? waitingn for your kit??? ha! i'm loving the new blog look!

Amy said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them!

A fellow 365'er...

cheery-o's said...

What a great idea! That will be so fun to look back on years from now. Good luck!