Wednesday, December 24, 2008

getting back in the swing of things

I have not had as much crafty time as I would like, since I've been slightly preoccupied these past few weeks with getting everything ready for Christmas and also with the ice storm that took out power in most of our area for days on end. All of our family members have power now, thankfully! Tonight we are hosting our Christmas Eve celebration with Matt's family here at our house. Usually we are at Matt's mom's house for this, but they did not have power for a long time and are now trying to get thier house back in order. Jack is sooooo excited for tonight and tomorrow. I keep reminding him WHY we are celebrating Christmas. He totally gets it, but he's only he's mostly excited about the presents right now.

I finally had some crafty juices flowing again yesterday and was able to do a couple digi pages:

My goal for 2008 was to scrapbook 150 pages. So far, I've completed 140. With just a few days remaining, I'm going to bust my butt to get this goal accomplished! I also need to finish my December Daily album.....I have some serious catching up to do on that. This weekend, I will be posting photos of that album as well as the Week in the Life pages that I completed about a month ago.

Have you heard of the "one little word" concept? I beleive this was started by Ali Edwards a few years back. Basically, you select a word that you want to focus on for one entire year. There is now even a One Little Word blog that has scrapbooking challenges based on one word. For 2007, my word was "flow" because I seriously needed to focus on "going with the flow". For 2008, my word was "accomplish". For 2009 I have chosen the word "embrace". As in: embrace my family, God, my imperfections, my hobbies, my free time, and my life. I challenge you to choose your One Little Word!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

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