Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lint. Or is it Lent? I didn't know till recently...

It wasn't till about 3 years ago that I realized Lent isn't called Lint. Seriously. I wasn't raised in a church and whenever someone would talk about Lent, I assumed they were saying Lint. It was quite the "ahha" moment a few years ago when I figured that one out.....and I've never really admitted that to anyone, so I'm sure I'll hear about it from quite a few people....

But now as a Christian, I'm slightly more aware of Lent. To be quite honest, I don't even know the whole background to Lent. I think I know the general idea, but we're not Catholic, so Lent isn't something strongly talked about in our church. Many of my non-Catholic Christian friends still consider giving something up for Lent. And some years I do as well. And this year? Well, I jumped the gun and decided to give up chocolate candy until Easter. But I made this decision a few weeks ago, so I guess I'm doing Lent+ this year. I'm such an overachiever. Not only did I decide to give up chocolate candy for Lent+, Matt and I are implementing something each day as well. We are committing to do the same daily devotion/Bible reading each day. For starters, we are doing the Proverbs Challenge. We'll read the same chapter from Proverbs each day. And then throughout the day we'll discuss how this particular Proverb manifests in our daily lives. Should be interesting!

I'm fairly certain I still pronounce it "Lint" though. I kinda like the twang. I also say "q-pon" instead of "coo-pon." Mostly because it irritates my husband. I'm nice like that....

1 comment:

April D said...

Fun post! So glad you're engaging in Lent this year. I've been doing it for the past 5-6 years and it's really changed me and changed how I engage in Easter. Hope it's good for you...xoxo